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Upload and manage your files

Safely store and backup all your essential files. From family photos & videos to important documents, you can rely on us to store all your media securely and forever from $12 per month

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Discover all LoadJam
Cloud-Storage Features

Focus on your work and do not worry about the safety of your data. Our file servers guarantee unmatched performance, reliability and choice with 24/7 support that acts as your extended team.

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We do not store your payment information. PCI-DSS certified gateways are using for all orders.

100% Moneyback

We make sure that partners distribute only content that is really necessary for the user.


We write clean code. With powerful high-speed servers, we're are ready to high-load.


We are developing a platform that is as comfortable and simple as possible for you.


Share your files with everyone!

We supply you with all the tools necessary to easily share your files. Use our pre-generated html code to link from your website or post directly to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

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Find Out More About Our Cloud Hosting

Easy To Use!

Why are some services
so inconvenient?

Have you really asked this question? It all depends on the approach to developing the service. The great artist Bruno Munari once said: "To complicate is simple to simplify is complicated. Everybody is able to complicate. Only a few can simplify." When creating LoadJam, we tried to make it as user-friendly as possible. Users focus on their tasks and their attention is not distracted by unnecessary details.

Instant Downloads

Acccess to your data on
maximum speeds!

In our infrastructure, we use only certified data-centers around the World. Wide bandwidths allows us to serve our client on maximum possible speeds. With triple repliacation, you do not need to worry about consistency and durability of your data.

Save and Secure

Security of user and
payment data.

Serving our users, we use only secure and trusted payment providers. We do not collect any personal data (payment info, credit cards, IDs) in our database besides e-mail and order status. By default, you use our service absolutely anonimously. You can force all your files private if you do not want to share them.

Quick Support

How do we make LoadJam

We use smart, simple and obvious solutions to collect users' feedback, and then, we use this feedback to improve our service accordingly to users' needs, remove obscure points. In other words, we try to look at our service through the eyes of an ordinary user, not a developer or owner. For instance, we were one of the first cloud hostings who started live chat. Your requests and tickets are monitored 24/7 and will always be processed.

More than 100 Payment Methods

Use domestic payment systems
to pay for Membership.

The geography of our users is the whole world. Not everyone has the opportunity to pay in traditional ways. By connecting to such large systems as we provide more than 100 payment methods for users from different parts of the globe.

Questions about Service?

Contact one of our technical experts now. Our team is available chat and is ready to answer any questions you may have.

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Content Delivery Network

Once the file hits our servers, we copy it to three independent data centers. It allows not only to ensure the durability of data, but also to transfer it to the end-user from the closest server at maximum speed!

  • Canada
  • NewYork
  • Russia
  • Australia
  • Africa
  • Germany

Frequently Asked Questions

In our FAQ, we collected all the things that can be incomprehensible for our guests and Premium Members as well.

These files are available only for Premium Members. Payment methods for Premium Membership are represented under the file description, on file Download page.

Your IP, location or any other characteristics do not matter. There is only one way to access these Premium Files, and that is by purchasing a Premium Membership to

The uploader (owner) of the file opens some files for free download in order to give you the opportunity to its potential buyers to be convinced of the quality of the materials provided. The file uploader decides which files should be made available to the public and which should only be available to Premium Members.

LoadJam cannot remove Premium-only restrictions from a file. You should try contacting the file uploader on their website.

According to the Payment Policy, LoadJam does not provide trial Membership plans of any kind.

No. Your Membership will NOT automatically renew and your card will NOT be charged monthly. According to the Payment Policy, all our payments are one-time (non-recurring).

With Premium Membership, your daily limit is 10000 megabytes for 24 hours.

Free User does not have daily Traffic Limit, but there's a significant speed limit.

When you download a file, we check the total size of all the content you have requested in the last 24 hours. Repeated downloads of the same files within 24 hours are not counted. If you have exceeded the Daily Limit for your tariff, the download will not start. You'll get an error "Traffic quota exceeded".

Yes, you can bypass these pages, they're are OFF by default for LoadJam Premium Member. Files will automatically start downloading in your browser or download manager, bypassing pages with information about them. This feature is called `Direct Download`. If you need to view File-info pages, go to Account -> Settings -> Downloads and turn Direct Download feature OFF.

You should apply your code here. After applying the premium code, the account will be automatically renewed for the selected access period, you will receive a email with you Premium Membership expiration.

The Premium Code is a secret line of text. On LoadJam, this code always looks like `LETS_JAM_XXXXXXXXXXXX`. The premium code is generated by LoadJam and kept by the premium code seller (Reseller). A LoadJam user pays for a premium code on a Reseller website. After payment, the Reseller sends a premium code to the user. The user enters the premium code on the LoadJam website and the LoadJam membership is activated automatically.

A Premium Code (Voucher) can be purchased to activate your LoadJam Premium Membership when you do not wish or are unable to pay for your Membership directly with a credit card. On their websites, Premium Code sellers (Resellers) have a wide range of payment options for different countries, including bank transfers, local payment systems (such as NeoSurf, Pix, AliPay, WeChatPay and many others).

Trusted Resellers sell premium-keys for many other services. This eliminates the need for LoadJam to maintain a variety of payment systems that can be useful just for you!

Check your email regularly. If code is not recieved, contact Reseller support using contact form of addresses listed on their website.

We keep a close eye on resellers who are slow to process orders, are unfriendly to our users, or charge too high fee for an end-user. If you encounter some problems using a reseller, please inform us via the contact form with order details.